Russian Academy of Sciences
Department for Physical Sciences
Landau Institute for Theoretical Physics

Landau Congress

100 years of Lev Landau

Scientific and memorial session

Moscow, June 19-20, 2008

Speakers will include:

Alexander Andreev
Spartak Belyaev *
Alexander Vedenov *
Vitaly Ginzburg *
Sergei Iordanskii
Boris Ioffe
Yuri Kagan
Moisey Kaganov *
  Lev Okun
Lev Pitaevskii
Valery Pokrovsky
Isaak Khalatnikov
Gerasim Eliashberg
Vinay Ambegaokar
Elihu Abrahams
Stanley Brodsky
  Michael Fisher *
Harald Fritzsch
Murray Gell-Mann *
Luciano Maiani
David Pines
Katepalli Sreenivasan
Chen Ning Yang
* - to be confirmed
Landau Congress